One day they went for a drive and went back to Lake Bonito where they had been in July '09. This is the Lake with fishermen/women/kids just thick on the shore. Looked like everyone in several states came to fish that day!

The lake is dammed from small rivers and it is very pretty along it with lots of yellow flowers and driftwood. The picnic grounds were full as well as the campgrounds but think it was all tents. Not a good place for us cats to camp!

Did you ever see Pistachios growing on a tree? They stopped at one of Dad's favorite places but it was 101 degrees so they didn't do the tour. We were glad to be home in the air conditioning and not with them.

Eagle Ranch is a must stop according to Dad. He needed to get a small bag of "Heart of the Desert" Pistachios to take home with him. Eagle Ranch is on the east side of Alamagordo, NM.

This is a view of White Sands National Monument looking west on highway 70 going toward Alamagordo, NM. They said they decided to not go walk about on the sand this year since it was way hot not even out on that white sand. So instead they went to see the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" in a nice new air conditioned multiplex theater on the east side of Alamagordo. Their moto is "when on vacation, do whatever you want"!
PS. We are back home safe & sound--Maggie & Mollie are such great travelers and didn't even want to get out when we arrived home late yesterday afternoon! We had trouble with the Matrix RV internet service as well as all the thunder storms, so Maggie wasn't able to finish the blog before we left. They haven't missed a beat since getting back in the house & are sleeping in the sunporch as I finish this. We 4 had a great vacation!
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